Home Jumping into public knowledge sharing & blogging

Jumping into public knowledge sharing & blogging

Giving back to the community

Over the years I’ve been learning, designing, implementing and supporting solutions backed by the knowledge shared by various technology enthusiasts, professionals and hobbyists.

Pair that w/ my hands on experiences backed by more frequent than I’d like to admit brute forcing / head banging 🤘 and on the job work I feel that I’ve acquired a decent share of knowledge/workflows that I’d like to give back to the communities that have fostered my own learning.

With that effort in mind I decided to finally take the dive into public knowledge sharing & blogging, starting here!

My first goal was to create a consistent format that ammends frustrations I’ve seen w/ other blogs and articles, tailoring this to preferences I see as helping foster more effecient knowledge soaking if you will since everyone has different learning styles.

Some of these goals are:

  • Have an immediate anchor to get to the code for those who want to dive in
  • Around the direct code link list a high-level outline for the workflow/process
  • Include caveats or things you may run into around the direct code link in an attempt to prevent frustrations during implementation
  • Keep a full written guide w/ steps and thoughts along the way for those who either need more detail or prefer to follow every step in the same journey
  • External hyperlinks have a blank target so those links open in another page
  • Properly tag and categorize topics/posts to make it easier for the community to find what they need if they are looking for something specific

Some like to read and follow line by line while others learn better by reverse engineering the code or solution itself. Naturally there are others who are somewhere in between, so the format I’ve created below is what I’ll be following in an attempt to meet the needs of all 3 scenarios.

I’m always open to suggestions/improvements/criticism so if anyone has ideas for positive improvements I’m all ears, here goes the first step on this journey!

Post Outline:

First things first

  • Jump to the TLDR if you want to dive straight into the code/solution
  • If you don’t have experience with the subject listed, please see Subject Name Document to get started


I’ve recently been thinking about starting on xyz or I stumbled upon xyz or had to solve for xyz recently so I decided to dive in, here’s my journey if you want to follow along

Post Content

Shell Script

if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "The command was not successful.";
    #do the needful / exit

Example Things

I’ve found that doing xyz or following the guide posted at Helpful Guide makes this easier

Something to keep in mind, xyz is affected by abc in file /opt/service/assets/config.yml

Doing this without first adding line sed -i /foo/bar/ to file /opt/foo/bar/foobar.sh will result in a failure


  • The general process for this workflow:
    • Step 1
    • Step 2
    • Step 3
  • Some caveats to know about:
    • Caveat 1
    • Caveat 2
    • Caveat 3
  • Repository for this project can be found at Repostiory-Name
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.

